Sunday, August 19, 2007

Project 2, day 1

Since the bottom of the garden has a dip that needs filled and the side of the house has some soil to be removed, it made sense to take a break from Project 1 and complete Project 2. Just a reminder: the Before picture.

I thought all I'd have to do would be remove the soil, put down a weed suppressant membrane and tuck it under the paving slabs then put gravel on top before building made-to-measure planters. However, the paving slabs were very uneven, not quite in a straight line and being pushed up by tree roots.

So I decided to replace the path too. I have removed the extra soil and dumped it in a dip in "Project 1" and lifted one row of paving slabs. Tomorrow I will remove the second row (and the roots underneath), go get some heavy-duty weed membrane and some edging stones, some sand and some more gravel. I will reuse some of the paving slabs I have lifted for the "new" path, unless I see some nicer ones on special offer !

Meanwhile at Project 1, there is some sky visible at the back now! Shame the photo was taken just as a rainstorm started so it's dark. Spot the heap of soil from Project 2!

We have guests this week. Gardening Cats are quite nonplussed by these creatures. I am moving their cage every day so they get a fresh patch of grass from which to nibble out the dandelions. They crap more than any other creatures I've ever had.

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