I planted some grasses and bulbs around the tree.

Not quite visible but the lillies I planted last year are coming up again.

I have a new plastic planthouse - bigger than the old one and with tent pegs & guy ropes. Due to limited staging space it will hold fewer trays than the wardrobe-style one, but that is easily fixed!

I'm trying a successional sowing approach this year so that (hopefully) I'll always have a choice of what to crop - unlike last year's glut of greyhound cabbage. You
can have too much of a good thing...
Today's sowing session for the allotment:
Cabbage copenhagen market
Cabbage greyhound
calabrese marathon
cauliflower grafitti
cauliflower snowball
cauliflower sunset
chili anaheim
courgette Zuboda
florence fennel zefa fino
lettuce ice king
lettuce lollo rossa
lettuce red salad leaves
peas meteor
squash winter festival
tomato Gardener's Delight
tomato Sub Arctic Plenty

and for the garden:
3 different kinds of dahlia (5 tubers)
6 montbretia "lucifer"
10 pastel trailing begonias

I'm always watched when I'm in the allotment - probably because I've got into the habit of feeding the chickens with leftover leaves through the fence.
Still to sow:
Potatoes and onions - the ground is still too wet
salad onions
beans - broad, French and borlotti
leaf beet
lots of flowers!