Sunday, June 17, 2007

The hunt goes on...

We saw another property yesterday. Looked good on paper and the house was nice, maybe a bit big, but there was not really enough land for our plans and we thought it was overpriced.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My First First Earlies

Plot to plate in 30 minutes :o) This is two plants' worth of Arran Pilot first earlies. It looks like some of the Anya might be ready too.

Monday, June 11, 2007

What I picked and Ate Today.

Oregano, thyme and garlic went well wrapped around a big chunky pollack fillet. The mr had the strawberry on its own.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

More Pics of Growing Things

Thank goodness these are looking a bit better than last week! Lettuces are just about useable.

The fish are a bit less shy now I've started feeding them.

Clematis - replaces ivy that used to be hiding the nasty plastic arch and growing up the side of the house.

Some nice purple stuff.

Rose - Aloha. Smells wonderful!

Top view of one of the jerusalem artichoke plants. They are about 3ft high.

The brassica tent. It has been removed, weeded under and replaced a bit higher than before. The cauli and cabbage are doing well under there although the plants on the right-hand side are much smaller than the others. Planted half a dozen swede there too because there was space. And I love swede!

Removed the bean & pea netting as all my beans and peas are shorties. Gave up the manual fight against the bindweed and targetted the stuff with roundup. AN has some aubergine plants ready to go in the gap.

The romanesco AN planted is doing well...

...but it really needs weeding!

Tattie flowers - desiree

More tattie flowers - mystery variety that might be Orla.

We're having strawberries soon!

And AN has currants on the way!

My Little Helpers

I'm in charge of string, grass and chasing things that aren't really there.

I'm in charge of catching mice and leaves.

Like I said, I'm in charge of grass.

I'm helping with the weeding - you can just see my paw going for the horsetail.

Now I bet this is really helpful!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Still Searchin...

Saw another property this afternoon. A bit too remote (looked OK on the map, but awkward to reach in practice) and the land that looked perfect in the property agent's photo had since been planted with an odd mix of trees. And no wonder they didn't photograph the outbuildings! Difficult to site a polytunnel anywhere practical. It had a lovely (but almost empty) veg patch and an ornamental pond with a fake waterfall. The whole place had a strange feel to it - a bit like an urban property in the wrong place.

Oh no...

A productive day yesterday with an important but annoying discovery.

Much of June's To-Do list is done! Planted the gladioli and some morning glory in the front garden, got to work on the side and back of the house... But I've got a half-formed plan for projects for "when I have the time" so I can easily extend the June list!

One of my little helpers. Keen to point out the location of shady spots for snoozing and areas of freshly dug soil for... well... hmmm.

Another of my little helpers. Likes to be helpful with string, netting, fleece and plants with trailing bits that move.

This is what passes for "lawn" in the back garden. The ground drains poorly but at least the plants that like this area stay green when all the grass goes brown in summer.

Hydrangea removed! I noticed whilst pulling out as much root as possible that the ground was very wet. Then someone drained the bath and the ground got VERY wet! Oh no... call an expert!

We have an expensive problem. As a one-bathroom household this also gives us a personal hygiene headache.

So I put the "side-of-the-house" project on hold and went back to the tree. Ripped out a bit more Ivy and planted some stuff.

Echinacea, lilies, with coleus and marigolds and night scented stock to fill some gaps.

And these are woolly aphids, identified by some fellow-gardeneers on the Grow Your Own forum. I removed as much as possible with a spray bottle containing soapy water then got the hose out to blast the rest off.

I think these are scorch marks on my tomato seedling leaves.

Friday, June 01, 2007

More photos

The ugly hydrangea-thing (I think) that I want to remove and replace with a custom built raised bed/planter thingy. (Should've removed the bottle of roundup in the background! That's for the remains of the bindweed).

My herb & salad bar.

The apple tree, where I pulled up the ivy. There is still more to come out as the ivy is growing up through the hedge behind the tree.

Not a healthy tree :o(

Things waiting to be planted out: nasturtium, broad beans, lettuce, brassica successional sowings - they'll be a little mystery as the labels have faded..

The enemy no. 4. I've been collecting & removing snails regularly and at last the population is dropping.