Thursday, May 17, 2007

Getting Laid

The turf for the front lawn arrived yesterday morning so I spent a merry hour or two in the pouring rain carpeting the bare earth. I seem to have beaten the Horsetail (on the "lawn" side of the garden at least) as there were only a couple of very weak shoots poking up. I had two part-strips of turf left over and some bits. I put the decent sized bits in a gap in the back "lawn" (it's green, but it ain't grassy) and upturned the odds & ends into the maturing compost bin as a lid.

After that I went round to the allotment and planted the swede. By the end of my gardeneering session I was probably the muckiest I've been sice I grew out of digging dens and climbing trees.

Forgot to take pictures!

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