Tuesday, January 01, 2008

It's been a while...

...and I have been busy - honest!

The chickens are settled in to their new home and I think (fingers crossed) their playground is almost as escapeproof as we can make it. They're still laying - about 15 eggs per week at a guess. Still a bit baldy in places! I'd upload pictures but the blighters won't stay still long enough to get decent closeups.

In the allotment not much is happening. The leeks are brill (having some with dinner tonight). I dug up the parsnips today and was actually quite impressed by them. Not great but I didn't expect anything worth eating since they went in late and the ground wasn't really suitable. They were small and forky but they'll feed us tonight. Also in the pot: jerusalem artichokes.
Cue mash!

The main job this week has been to erect anti-pigeon defences around the raised bed (spring cabbages) and the brassica bed (PSB and kale).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yey! Good to have you back, i was worried for a while there that you'd disappeared into the blogosphere! I know what you mean about protecting Brassicas! I've cheated a bit and gone for a premade built thing that should be delivered sometime this week! Yippee!