The cabbage collars I used did keep cabbage root fly away but provided a nice home for slugs. There was quite a lot of slug damage so overall I'm not convinced that collars are worth using.
Something has broken this kale off at the stem. Slugs or pigeons?
Some of the leeks are big enough to use.
Slugs got some of the swede and some swedes just vanished. Rotted away or eaten? The ones I get to first were nice though.
I'll try again next season with better slug-defences!
I bet that Kale was gotten by slugs! They ate through chunks of my courgettes. I've had major issues with the PSB. I put it in back in April and it has shot up. It's called 'Early PSB,' and won't be ready to crop 'til March. It's had whitefly, caterpillars in their hundreds and now i've just read that as it's so big, a lot of it will die back as the frost's a learning curve. I think i'll plant 'Rudolph' next yera which apparently crops in September. What variety is yours?
The same variety! I'll be careful about checking the weather forecast and might put fleece over the lot before it gets cold.
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